Saturday, January 1, 2011

happy new year

hello 2011. wow. just wow. i really can't believe it is 2011. i never even got used to it being 2010. i am excited about the new year though. i plan on making big changes this year. huge changes. so of course i have a whole set of resolutions.

1. be more positive. i feel like i have been so depressed and negative lately. i just want to have a more positive outlook on life.

2. simplify our lives. we just have too much stuff and too much going on. i plan on getting rid of a bunch of junk and not making as many plans this year. i don't want to be overwhelmed all the time.

3. keep the house clean. i am going to make a chore chart and start making the kids (and miles) clean up after themselves. i am the only one cleaning around here and i am seriously losing this battle. this has got to stop. the mess really gets me down. i just can not be happy in a messy house.

4. learn how to use "the good camera." miles has a really nice camera that i don't ever use. i think if i took the time to learn it i could get some really nice photos.

5. eat dinner as a family at the table. we have really gotten bad about this. lately the kids have been eating together and then miles and i eat separately later. i don't like that. we need to sit and eat together. it is important family time.

6. turn off the television. this one just makes me crazy. i am always turning off the television and someone will turn it on moments later. ugh. i don't like it on all the time. we don't need the extra noise. i am going to start enforcing the two hours per day of television watching.

all in all, i really just need a little less chaos. a little more time to read, cook, hang out with the kids without being crazy and stressed. hmmmmm. is this possible?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You deserve it Sherry. All these things sound like they will lead to more happiness. Good luck!

We threw out a bunch of stuff this year and it does feel good. I've also been on a huge organizing kick lately. It's totally made me happier to have everything in its place.