Monday, March 5, 2012

touch a shark

it was such a nice day out today that we decided to take the kids to the aquarium. jen, bodhi, and kira met us there. our annual passes are going to expire next month and i will be so sad to not get to go there all the time. i think i might renew them. today's visit was just perfect. there were hardly any people there.

the kids loved playing at the shark lagoon today. they have bamboo, and epaulette sharks that you can reach in and touch with two fingers. there are also large rays in there. the kids were super excited to try and touch them. it was fun to watch. we let them play outside at the squid playground and then spent the rest of our time inside looking at fish. mason really wanted to see a squid. he even made a squid out of legos to bring with him. they didn't have any squid so he had to be content with looking at the giant pacific octopus which was just as cool.

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